GREETINGS - Activity
Pourquoi ? -
1. French students and professors typically use “vous” to address each other
2. Professional setting + First impression => “vous”
3. This dressed-up couple looks awkward enough to be using “vous” as they get to know each other but could actually be using “tu” based on their young age ;)
4. Age difference + Professional boundaries => “vous”
5. Young people socializing over drinks => Definite “tu”
6. Friendly group of young adults => “tu” (or plural “vous”)… They might keep things formal and use “vous” if the person they’re smiling to is a stranger who just crashed their lunch and is significantly older
Pourquoi ? -
7. Professional setting + Stranger (hostess) => “vous”
8. Casual vibe + Not a significant age difference => “tu”
Note: The younger the kids, the more likely they are to “tu” everyone
9. Young peers + Borderline flirting at work => “tu”
10. Casual & flirty vibe => “tu”
11. French women only shake hands in formal situations => “vous”
12. They’ve most likely seen each other naked by now => “tu”
Pourquoi ? -
13. Professional setting, but casual vibe & young group => “tu” is more likely
14. Unless they’re related ( => “tu” both ways), the little girl is very likely to use “vous” to show respect due to their age difference
15. Student/Professor interaction => “vous”
16. It’s the Pope => “vous” (he could easily “tu” them in return)
17. Pets are instant friends and don’t have time for human etiquette BS => “tu” :)
18. This traditional Māori greeting is performed by two people pressing their noses together. The greeting is used at traditional meetings and at major ceremonies. It may be followed by a handshake => “vous” (IF they were to speak French afterwards)